Sunday, December 8, 2013

Captive Sight - Global Heist (Album Review)

Captive Sight, a Groove Metal/Metalcore band from South Stockholm, Sweden, has just released their debut album, "Global Heist". This band consists of an excellent line up of musicians. The vocals, provided by Fredrik Majilund, coincide perfectly with the flow of the music. The clean vocals and guttural vocals are almost flawlessly interchanged when needed, keeping up with the guitar's (Anton Sjöberg and Fredrik Majilund) theme of changing between clean and distorted tones. Adrian Rönnberg on bass provides the heavy parts of the album with an equally heavy structure, making them absolutely blare out. The most striking thing about this band, however, was the absolutely insane drum work by Adde Hagman. There is not a moment in this record that you will find the drums doing the same exact thing. Whether it's providing a strong double bass, keeping an even and expeditious thrash beat, Hagman makes full use of his drum kit to bring this album to life.

This album kicks off with "Binocular Living Pt. 1", an eerie monologue that really sets the tone for the rest of the album. From then on, the album consistently lays out riff after ripping riff. Some of the highlights of this album include the catchy, melodic chorus from the it's title track "Global Heist", and the amazing percussive intro to "The London Mist", followed by a great riff that goes hand in hand with the beat. My favorite track off the album would have to be "Deceptive Stride". The song starts with a mind-blowing riff, followed by super heavy vocals. It then slows pace, but rebuilds to it's original intensity by the end of the song. The last track, "Decay Avenue", is a superb close to the album. It begins with an astounding clean guitar riff, accompanied by beautiful vocals. Majilund does a great job of communicating the emotion through his voice as he sings on this track.

At the end of the day, I would put "Global Heist" at the level of considerably average. While certain parts of the album sounded fairly repetitive and certain songs didn't stand out at all, it did display the incredible skills and catchy instrumental work that Captive Sight have to offer.

You can give "Global Heist" a listen right here.

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